Relevance and Revolution

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Family Togetherness

I love my family. I do. Many of you have witnessed acts that support this. However...

An entire week of being together 24 hours a day has reached an interesting point. A critical point. A radical point. A very sharp point.

Is it time for camp yet?

We have had so many amazing times this week. Because the rest of the staff has been in training at main camp, we have basically had the camp to ourselves. We sleep in late, we make wonderful breakfasts, we play ping pong and shuffle board, cards and foose ball, knock out and HORSE. The girls play in the water; we take mini hikes around camp and take gorgeous naps midday. (Yes, we will work a lot harder when the campers arrive!)

The parts of the week not spent doing the above activities have been spent screaming, yelling, attempting to murder one another, taking each other's stuff to be annoying, whining about being cold and being obnoxiously fearful of mountain lions.

What I've rationally been able to surmise is that really the percentage of murdering one another is not any higher than usual, it's just that we are not normally together so much.

Did I mention I love my family?

Did I mention I do indeed miss my friends? You all better start responding so I can feel I am having some sort of conversation with someone other than my husband.

There isn't a mountain lion scare this year, by the way. And we've seen no bears as of yet. There is, however, a fat raccoon that has made his way into the kitchen several times to get into the food trash. Here at Cheley they seperate trash into Food- Burnable- Non-Burnable. We've been met with little raccoon tracks in the kitchen several mornings and one night when I went into the kitchen at night to get supplies for Smores, I saw him waddling away. Princess has named him Quincy. Curly Locks named a large elk Alfred, and Man Child has named all mule deer we see Peter. It's just easier that way, since we see so many.

3 days until camp. Which means only 3 more days until my babies are gone from my side for 4 weeks. I know I will miss them and be worried they are falling off mountains. So, I guess a little murder until Wednesday is bearable. Just think how it will be once the kids are gone, the campers arrive, and it's only Chef Boy and I...


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