Relevance and Revolution

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Here comes my 2 cents

I'm just going to put the issues out there and let's see what happens. I feel it is important to generate conversation and discussion about these issues that DO affect us.

If you read my very first blog about "Where is the revolution?" you'll understand I can't keep quiet about certain things. I apologize in advance for all the people I might offend in just a sec, if they keep reading, and welcome comments that disagree. I don't believe in a homoginized world and certainly don't want to live in one, so please bring it on and let's get something started.

Today I cried on the way home from Topeka. I cried as I passed a convoy of army vehicles. I don't know where they were from or where they were going. Maybe they were headed to help those in need in the little town in KS that was wiped out by a freak tornado recently. I certainly hope so.

I cried because they represented to me this war we are in. I cried watching on television as GW sent us there; I cried when not enough of us voted GW out of office to see a more direct end to the war; and today I cried for each and every life lost to such insanity.

War and the military are topics I cannot discuss with Chef Boy. He grew up an army brat and claims I am uninformed. Maybe so, but to me, it doesn't take a military genius OR a rocket scientist to know that war is good for nothing. (I'm stepping up on the soapbox now...) It is my view that in this day and age, our country (you know, the most powerful country in the world...) should be able to use intelligence tactics, cultural knowledge and sensitivity, and relationship development to forgo war. This, Chef Boy says, is a naive view. Well, call me Shirley Temple then and give me GW's number!

I'm not saying there aren't people who have proven they are bad, evil, even; but why do we need to slay hundreds of thousands- or even 1- innocent person to irradicate such evil? I remember one news report about a year into the war about a battle that almost encited in the streets of Iraq b/c OUR military was near a holy place on a holy day for the Iraqis. Now, don't you think SOMEONE should have known the holy days for Iraqis? Come the *&^$# on!!! It is this type of un-intelligence that makes war stupid and avoidable.

And now I must admit to another belief that is very strong and hard to admit because most people respond as if I am heartless. But, since I'm griping, I might as well put myself out on the line.

When I cried today, I cried for every person who lost life in the war. However, I do feel that if you are willing to sign up for any branch of the US military, you know what you are asking for. The military exists to violently act. In basic training you learn to shoot guns and throw grenades, not frost cakes and throw parties. I'm a SW, so you know I'm not heartless, but don't be stupid and join the military and then complain about going to war. It's a distinct possiblity, unfortunately.
I am not lying when I tell you I would send my kid into hiding faster than you can delete my blog from your favorites if a draft were to be initiated. I would start singing "Oh Canada" so quick I'd look good to a hockey team. There is no way, and I am an unwaivering supporter of my children in whatever they want to do (unless it hurts them or someone else) and this is the one thing I simply would not allow. In its current state, I would never advocate for anyone to join any branch of the US Military. It's a death sentence.

I am parched from such vehement statements and must save soapbox issue number 2 for tomorrow's entry. I know you all are waiting anxiously. I'll give you a hint... I cried last week, too, when I saw a certain image on a panel truck driving through town. If you saw it too, let me know how you feel about it. Personally, I'm not into having other people stick their views down my throat... oh wait, is that what I'm doing?

"Action indeed is the sole medium of expression for ethics." Jane Addams


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