Relevance and Revolution

Thursday, June 15, 2006

That zesty, mountain feeling

A few days ago, the moon pulled me all the way to Colorado. Estes Park, CO to be exact.

I decided to forego my original plan to drive all day, and threw everything in the car and drove all night instead.

For future reference, you can drive in your sleep from Kansas to Colorado. There really are no turns to speak of, so it's completely safe.

I developed a new relationship with the moon that night. Through the hazy fog and clouds, moon made itself available to me; opened up with a fullness like I'd never seen, and led me- more like pulled me- all the way to the mountains.

I kept telling myself if I could make it until daylight, I'd be ok. Moon agreed with this strategy and was the travel companion I needed. Occasionally testing my committment by hiding behind a cloud, moon wanted to make sure I was keeping up my end of the bargain. Every time I looked up, there was moon, reviving me to keep my eyes open and continue on.

I swear the first 6 hours of the trip flew by, thanks to moon. Each time I looked at the clock, it was not surprisingly slow, but fast! An entire hour or more had gone by!

The mountains are amazing. On first view, through the pollution of Denver, I always cry. Moon and I know I'm meant to be here. We are working on a plan to continue our love affair from mountain top.

By all means, borrow moon and get yourself to a mountain.


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