Relevance and Revolution

Wednesday, August 31, 2005


It has always been my goal to teach my children to celebrate the differences in people and to not be judgemental. My basic philosophy in life is that it is ok to do whatever you want, as long as you don't hurt other people. And by "hurting other people" I mean in a bad way; which also includes prostilatizing to get people on your side of religion by demeaning their own. Also, I'd rather you didn't hurt yourself, but I do recognize there are instances in which the hurt is a good thing.

Anyway, the point is that it is sometimes hard work educating your children to go about life with an attitude of acceptance, empathy, helpfulness, and compassion. Not to mention passion, exuberance, strength and wonder. I try to lead by example and am not scared or unwilling to go out on a limb when necessary. If I see my children getting a scared look when we encounter someone who looks a little different, for whatever reason, I make a point to have a positive interaction with that person. When my daughter saw a magazine ad with two women posing in a bridal gown and tuxedo, then said two women couldn't get married, I quickly corrected her to say, "Of course they can."

So, every once in a while someting happens that makes you think you are doing at least something right. Last night the family was discussing how Em would be in Jr. High next year. Lincoln needed to pipe in that he would be in 9th grade, and how he would still attend the same Jr. High, he would be a Freshman. He went on to clarify the fact that 9th graders were called Freshman. Seven year-old Georgia doesn't miss a beat in response, "Or Freshwoman!" I was so proud!! I'm getting through to her!! She gets it!! Of course, Lincoln quickly added that there was no doubt they were all children of a Social Worker.


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