Relevance and Revolution

Thursday, May 03, 2007


I decided to name this post Carnival, because it really describes many areas of my life right now. No, I don't mean trapeze in the bedroom, I mean chaos, that if you look really, really close just might be fun.

The most literal example of carnival in my life is actually, well... a carnival! Tomorrow is our school carnival of which I have planned for some number of years. I don't really remember how many years it's been, but a parent recently asked when we would start calling it the "Pursegirl" memorial carnival. Maybe he knows this year might actually kill me.

It's fun, it really is. But it's also insane, especially for me, the pressure promted person that I am. I learned about how I'm pressure prompted, not a procrastinator, at the prestigious leadership center. I believe them, since they are so prestigious and all. Anyhoo, it is insane. The most insane part is not how it took me and another parent over 3 hours to pick out prizes for the games, or wondering whether it will rain and I have to truck everything inside making teachers wish PTA never existed, but the recruiting of volunteers. Some people say at some schools it's mandatory. Do you think I could get a bill passed in a special session of our KS legislature on this topic? Oh, I forgot, they can't even get their other work done... OOPS, I'm being bitchy. I had great help this year and the volunteer recruitment hasn't even killed me because it's currently (and I do mean right now at this moment) killing someone else.

Then there is the house carnival. Chef Boy and I are currently trying to write a book, or at least a pamphlet, entitled "Home Purchasing with Absolutely No Money". It might also be entitled, "How to Kill Your Banker as He Laughs Himself to Death While You Ask If He'll Loan You 100% of a $230,000 Loan". Chapter One will tell how smart it is to fall in love with a house weeks before you are leaving town for over 2 months and while still in a lease. The following chapters are how many door slams it takes before divorce papers are filed and you are having nightmares about getting walloped in the head the number of your credit score plus the address of the house you MUST have.

And then there is the truly amazing carnival experiences that involve your wonderful friends. Just two nights ago two great ladies and I attempted (this will soon be explained) to go and see, on the big screen for the first time since 1987ish... Dirty Dancing. In a city only 30 minutes away, Dirty Dancing was being shown for two shows only. One friend saw a brief commercial about this, brought it up, and we were on our way.
SOLD OUT!!!!!!
Who would have known every child of the 80's in the tri-state area was also going to show up for this?! On a Tuesday night, for gracious sakes! Some of these 80's bitches bought their tickets online and simply waltzed up to get them from will-call. They weren't forced to stand outside the theater looking pathetic, craving popcorn and red vines and multiple shots of P. Swayze shirtless. We had very hungry eyes.

We did fight it- I decided to organize and mobilize- so I approached the manager to see if there was a solution to our problem. I stated how more than 30 women and one man whose entry to this movie was positively correlated to the occurrance of a BJ later that night were turned away and that was lost profits! I asked could she not move it to a larger theater to accomodate us? I suggested we wait till a few minutes after the start of the film to see if some people didn't show up. Nothing worked. Why didn't we just buy tickets to another movie and sneak in, you ask. Because Baby would not have approved! So, we got in the car, called our husbands who were SHOCKED that so many people actually care about this movie (this resulted in their chances at loving matching the guy who did not get his date into this movie) and headed back home to get the largest meals possible, pick up the DVD, and go to watch it on a big screen TV.

I am so glad my life is full of this type of carnival. Our night was not what we planned, but so not ruined. I never laughed so hard while using white bread as a peace offering or eating a fish I'd never heard of. (It was fried, so what did I care?)

Carnival, Baby, bring it on!

P.S. I forgot to give my middle child an AKA- so here it is: Curlylocks.

Also, thanks to everyone who didn't point out I used "to" when I really meant "too" in a previous post. I'm very anal on grammar, especially the uses of "to, too" and also "tutu".


Blogger the rotten correspondent said...

If I were a really good person I'd be at school helping with the carnival instead of reading your blog. Wait, I just looked at the clock and I'll be there soon enough. Everything is going to look better tomorrow. Please? Can everything look better tomorrow?Deep breath...

12:01 PM  

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