Relevance and Revolution

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Really? A new post?

To those of you thinking 10 months between posts is a little long... I agree. But it's not like I've been sitting around doing nothing.

I've been:

Working too much

Sleeping too little

Enjoying a summer completely on my own

Having fun with friends

And working too much

In my agonizing quest for creativity I can manage to fit into an insane schedule, I turn back to this blog. It makes sense... I need only my computer to make it happen and a few thoughts that don't even really need to be coherent. I'm pretty entertaining when incoherent.

Why didn't I think of it before? I can write at any time, day or night. This should be doable. However, it has been said before that every time I pledge to write daily, I don't.

I'm drawn to the movie Stealing Beauty for many reasons. One of the most vivid connections for me is how the Liv Tyler character writes little poems on scraps of paper, then burns them, allowing them to be carried away by the wind. I love that. I've always written in a way that was for me- an escape, an outlet. You should read some of my teen angst poems! My soul was left on paper like a black mark from a squealing tire!

I have only allowed one person to ever read anything I've written, other than this blog (attempt). He is a poet. He writes for others and the idea that I don't was a conflict for us. Despite this, I admire his opinions and have used some of his ideas to refine a few poems. We'll see..

Hopefully it won't be 10 months before my next entry...


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